
The information contained on this web site does not constitute a disclosure document for a private investment company. The information contained on this web site does not constitute and is not an offer to sell securities or any interest in any private investment company, or a solicitation for offers to buy securities of or any interest in any private investment company, and is not to be construed as an offer to sell securities or any interest in any private investment company, or a solicitation for offers to buy securities of or any interest in any private investment company. The investment in any fund or program can only be made pursuant to the private offering memorandum or other disclosure document, the delivery of which has been authorized by Ozmarq Holdings, LTD.

OHL VENTURES FUND, LLC, a Delaware series limited liability company (the “Fund”), has been established primarily to make venture capital and growth equity investments in various leading seed stage, early stage, developmental stage and later stage private companies, including, without limitation, companies engaged in social media, digital media, clean tech and life sciences businesses (each, a “Portfolio Company”). Ozmarq Holdings, LTD is the “Manager” of the Fund and will establish various series of the Fund (each, a “Series”) for the purpose of: (i) making a separate and distinct investment directly in a Portfolio Company or a basket of Portfolio Companies; (ii) purchasing securities of a Portfolio Company or Portfolio Companies from secondary sources (directly or through forward purchase contracts); or (iii) investing in interests of investment funds, special purpose vehicles and other entities (including investment funds, special purpose vehicles and other entities affiliated with the Manager or its affiliates) whose portfolios are comprised of one or more Portfolio Companies consistent with the Fund’s general investment focus. Each Series will remain segregated from each other Series of the Fund. An investment in one Series of Interests by a Member does not necessarily give that Member the right to invest in any other Series of Interests established by the Manager from time to time. From time to time, investments in the fund will be held by the manager or the investment advisor (or one or more of their respective affiliates) for the sole benefit of the fund, subject to a liquidity event of the investment.

The Fund intends to create returns for investors (“Investors” or “Members”) by identifying and investing in what it considers to be leading edge businesses that have the potential to make significant returns for the Investors. The Fund will seek long term capital appreciation with respect to its investments and exits are projected for two to five years following each initial investment, although returns on investments may take longer